
How to Accept Advice From Others? 6 Valuable Tips Everyone Should Know

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When you are in a difficult situation, it can be difficult to get advice from someone. However, an outside perspective can help you see things in a new light, making it easier to decide what to do. How to accept advice from others? It may not be easy, but try to get rid of your defenses and listen to advise receptively. Follow up with some of the tips we’ll provide below.

Who should you take advice from?

People who care about you

The people who really care about you, whether it’s your parents or a lifelong friend, will give you sincere advice. If they don’t agree with what you’re doing, the people most interested will be more than willing to tell you. Their motivation is to help you and they will be happy for you when you succeed.

Who should you take advice from?

Users of your service

When you do service, it’s important to listen to your customers. Listen to know how the user feels and what will improve the user experience. So when they tell you your site is hard to navigate or your product isn’t worth it, believe them. That doesn’t mean you have to change every time someone complains, but it does mean that you should take their feedback seriously.

People with clear expertise

Ask someone who has succeeded, whether it’s a formal mentor or a friendly stranger, what techniques they find useful. Instead of speaking more than you listen, ask questions. People that are familiar with your struggles can teach you a lot.

How to accept advice from others?

How to accept advice from others?

Open to receiving advice

If you’re having a hard time seeking help with a difficult decision or you tend to quickly reject other people’s advice, take some time to reflect on why. Being honest with yourself about what’s holding you back can help you tear down the walls around you. Unfortunately, we all tend to be overconfident that we know what’s best.

However, that thought can really hold you back. When someone gives you advice, try to listen openly and receptively. After all, they might have a solution that might work better than any you’ve thought of. Think about it, would you like it if you tried to help someone and all they did was just waste your time because they didn’t follow the advice given to them? My guess is you won’t like that, so don’t do the same with other people’s advice.

Listen to yourself

This can be difficult, especially when people you trust are advising you to do something different. Advice from others can save us a lot of time, trouble and energy. Sorting advice into “good” and “bad” categories is an art, and we can learn to improve it. For example, if someone gives you advice that goes against one of your core values, such as honesty or integrity, you should listen to your inner voice telling you it is wrong. In the end, you’re the one who has to live with your choices, so really take the time to make sure whatever you’re doing is right for you.

Always thanks for the advice

One good thing you should get into the habit of doing is to thank anyone who gives you advice. Whether the advice is really good or not, you need to be grateful that the person took the time to help you. It’s important to let people know that you appreciate their advice and how it made a difference for you. Not only is this polite, but it also lets the person know that you value their opinion and that it is helpful.

Always thanks for the advice

Write down advice

If you don’t have a good memory, write down the advice people give you. I didn’t believe this until one day a wise man told me something that I thought was wonderful and then I forgot what he said. Just know that taking a minute to write down some great advice is well worth it if that particular piece of advice could benefit you at some point in the future.

Write down advice

Stop taking advice from people who are in the same situation as you

What does this mean? For example, you see poor people, and get advice from other poor people, on how to get rich. That’s why most people go bankrupt. And that’s why people who went bankrupt often go bankrupt. You have to understand that the things that matter are the things that actually deliver results. And a lot of people take advice from someone else, not just because that person said something that sounds good, or makes sense, right? It’s not something you want to pursue. You want to get advice from people who are getting the results you want.

Looking for different opinions

Don’t just take advice from one person. Instead, reach out to a few people you really trust in their judgment and experience. That way, you can be sure you’re getting a wide enough perspective on the issue. Also, don’t just rely on like-minded people- try to find different people with diverse points of view.

Looking for different opinions


That’s all we want to suggest to you on how to accept advice from others in the right way. Through this article, you probably already know how to receive good advice from the right people as well as solve the difficulties you are facing. I hope this essay was helpful to you in some way.

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Conclusion: So above is the How to Accept Advice From Others? 6 Valuable Tips Everyone Should Know article. Hopefully with this article you can help you in life, always follow and read our good articles on the website:


I am a psychologist with 5 years of experience working in psychiatric hospitals and treating students at universities. I created this blog to share useful tips to make everyone's life better and happier.

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