
16 Useful Advice For Students To Be Successful

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In fact, good students always know how to balance their work and rest in the most reasonable way. They can manage their time wisely, stick to their study schedule and make the most of their time in the classroom. So what is the advice for students to be successful? Refer to the article below.

Quality training

Prioritize learning

The first advice for students to be successful is to prioritize learning. Successful students always know how to put their studies first. While it’s important to spend time with friends, family, extracurricular activities, and even free time alone, never neglect the time needed to study. Never cheat on tests or exams. Do your best and your score will reflect your progress.


Cultivate the habit of balancing your time and arriving on time for an appointment. In fact, you should plan to arrive a little early wherever you go to give yourself time to prepare, focus, and be ready to study. Time management is not some magical innate ability, but one of many learning skills that can be learned. Planning, prioritizing, and self-discipline are all necessary. Using a calendar to track commitments, break down tasks into smaller chunks, and hold yourself accountable will teach you consistency.

Keep focus

Successful students stay focused on the task at hand. If you have to study a chapter of a history book in an hour, you need to commit to it instead of letting your mind wander. If you need a break, take a short 10-minute break, but don’t let it stretch to a 10-minute study break. It’s important to strike a balance between study and rest to re-energize and focus on the next activity.

Stop comparing

Another advice for students to be successful is to stop comparing. Focus on your own work and don’t compare yourself to anyone else. If you get too bogged down in what other people are doing, then you are bound to be disappointed in yourself or you are offending yourself. Learn to put everything else aside and focus on doing the best you can.

In the class


The next advice for students to be successful is attention. If you want to be a successful student, paying attention in class is extremely important. While you don’t have to love every subject you take, you do need to listen carefully to your teacher to absorb the most important aspects of each lesson.

Take Notes

It can be tempting to take lecture notes on a laptop; After all, typing is faster and easier, and you’ll have more information to look through later. However, according to a recent study, students who write down their notes actually learn more. This is due to the fact that typing and writing need various cognitive processes.

When you jot down information by hand, the slower, more cumbersome nature of writing means you tend to really listen and understand what you’re being told. As a result, what you write is a brief summary of what your brain just understood. Typing, on the other hand, can easily become a mindless repetition and listening activity. Some people even use different markers or pens to organize their notes as they take notes to really help them absorb the material.

take notes

Make a question

At most universities, faculty are leaders in their fields of research, with many professors and lecturers dedicating their professional lives to researching the subject they are interested in. selected. Why not take advantage of this? Ask them as many questions as possible – the number of students who sit passively in a lecture and fail to take the opportunity to consult their professor is unbelievable. When you ask questions, it helps you stay active in the discussion and learn more about the material.

Make a question

High concentration

Avoid sitting next to friends or chatting with students, and put away food, magazines, phones, or anything else that keeps you from learning. The ability to focus is an important skill to master, and if you don’t, you’ll have a hard time getting things done. Start by removing the most immediate distractions, such as your phone, and make sure your mind is focused on only one thing: your work. When you’re not distracted, you’ll be much more productive.

Develop positive relationships with teachers

Building a strong relationship with your teacher can help you when you need help or get you more interested in the material. Try to get to class on time and follow your teacher’s rules so you can get the most out of your studies. If teachers like you more, they will be more willing to help and answer your questions and will be more understanding if something comes up.

Sit near the front

If you are in a classroom where you can choose your own seat, then you should think about sitting at the front of the room, near the teacher. This will help you focus more because it will be harder for you to get distracted or do anything other than pay attention when the teacher is right there.

It will also help you build a stronger relationship with your teachers, as it allows you to maintain eye contact with them, especially if you are in a large lecture hall because teachers can tend to interact more with people sitting in front. Sitting at the front of the room also makes you less likely to chat, check your phone, or doze off, even if you’re not particularly interested in the topic being discussed.

sit near the front

In the learning process

Create a plan for each lesson

One way to be successful as you study is to have a solid plan before each study session. This will ensure that you stay focused, reach your goals and that your study sessions are productive. Break your study time into 15- or 30-minute intervals and write a list of what you’ll do in each period, whether you’re studying flashcards, reviewing notes, or taking practice tests. Having a list that you can check will keep you motivated. You’ll feel accomplished and focused as you tick off each item on your list.

Find a suitable learning method

There are many different learning styles, and not everyone is right for them. It is important to be aware of your learning style so that you can best tailor your learning to suit your needs. Here are some of the most common learning styles and some study tips:

  • Visual learners: If you are a visual learner, you learn using images, pictures, and spatial awareness. Color-coded charts, diagrams, and notes may work best for you. When you take notes, a flow chart or even some related drawings can be more effective than large numbers of words.
  • Auditory learners:  These students benefit most from listening when learning. Try recording your lectures and repeating them, or really focus on the teacher’s words and take notes later.
  • Physical learners: These learners learn best when they use their bodies, hands, and touch. You can learn by tracing words to reinforce a topic, memorizing notes by walking, or by using any activity that makes you move around or touch objects while you study.

Choose the best learning environment

The learning environment can be very important to your success as a student. Some people like to study in their bedroom, in absolute silence. Others prefer to study outdoors, turning on their favorite music. Some people like to study in a library or in a coffee shop, surrounded by others who do the same. Try out a variety of learning environments to see what works best for you.

Choose the best learning environment

Utilize resources

Another way to get the most out of your study sessions is to make sure you use the resources available to you. Talk to your teachers and knowledgeable friends for help with any material you don’t understand. Use your library and online resources to supplement your research. Do what you need to do to use all your resources to succeed.

Living in moderation

It has been proven countless times that our brains don’t work at their full capacity when we neglect to eat properly. Besides, eating a lot of fast food and fried food will decrease your cognitive ability. Try to make sure your diet has a healthy balance.

Positive Thinking

Approaching anything in life with the attitude of “it’s too hard” and that you’ll fail before you start will only lead to one thing: failure. To be a good student, you have to adjust your mindset and be positive – everyone is capable of doing things they didn’t think they could do. However just being positive is not enough, you still have to combine it with hard work.

advice for students to be successful


As Abraham Lincoln once said, “Always remember that your own determination to succeed is more important than anything else.” Successful students tend to be realistic and realize that their success or failure is largely determined by their efforts. Today’s article we have given advice for students to be successful, hope you will apply it in your life.

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Conclusion: So above is the 16 Useful Advice For Students To Be Successful article. Hopefully with this article you can help you in life, always follow and read our good articles on the website:


I am a psychologist with 5 years of experience working in psychiatric hospitals and treating students at universities. I created this blog to share useful tips to make everyone's life better and happier.

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